Seminars on Management – Prof. Dr. Attila Yaprak
Seminars on Management series, organized by Kadir Has University Department of Business Administration, is hosting Prof Dr. Attila Yaprak from Mike Ilitch School of Business, Wayne State University on Friday, December 16. You can follow Prof. Yaprak’s talk titled “Consumer Culture Theory: Implications for Global Identity” on Zoom.
Zoom Meeting ID: 880 0534 8532
About the Speaker: Dr. Yaprak has been a Professor of International Business and Marketing at the Ilitch Business School for four decades. The current Historian of the Academy of International Business (the AIB) has also served as the AIB’s Executive Secretary and as a member of the Advisory Board of the AIB’s Northeast Chapter. He is the Director, Doctoral Programs and has served as the Associate Dean for Research at the Ilitch Business School.
Teaching/Research at Other Institutions
- University of Vienne (Austria) (2017)
- Techniche Universitat Dortmund (Germany) (2013)
- Martti Ahtisaari Institute of Global Business, University of Oulu (Finland) (2010)
- Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) (2006)
- Lyon Business School (France) (2005, 2006, and 2008)
- Sabanci University (Turkey) (2001-2021)
- Ludwig Maximillian University (Germany) (2000)